Before going in to the issues, let me explain what exactly a "Deferred Inspection" means.

Image Courtesy: www.longislandwins.com
In a common language "deferred" means "at a later time". In the immigration context when an immigration officer cannot make an immediate decision as to whether someone is “admissible” or not.  Due to whatever circumstances may be present in one’s case, the officer may not  grant that person admission into the United States; however, if the officer feels that the situation can be resolved in the applicant’s favor at a later time—provided that the applicant appears at a designated time and place and presents whatever additional evidence is requested.  The immigration officer may defer an individual’s inspection so that he or she can come back and furnish certified dispositions reflecting that the offenses have been resolved. 

It is important to know that the people in deferred inspection are not admitted yet, they have only been "paroled" and the ultimate final decision is yet to be taken by the Immigration authorities.

Now, even though President Obama has announced that the Dreamers would be granted a "Deferred Action" it does not mean that they are legally staying in US going forward. With the process and procedures still pending. I suggest all the dreamers not come out as of now because "Deferred Action" is nothing new in American Immigration Law System, it does not provide any sort of protection against deportation. Moreover, as you all know there are number bills presented in the house to prohibit this "Deferred Action". Keeping the current scenario no body's sure when this political environment might change. Therefore, DREAMERS, DON'T COME OUT NOW.

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